Member Area Dashboard


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This content is restricted to paid members of the program.
Please join us to get access to the content here: Get the Program

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Course Videos
Trader Log & Journal
Trader Resources
Account Info
Graduate Members Content
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Welcome to the How to Become a Net Winning Trader course and membership area. Go through the sections below to get important information on how to use this site.

Please Read: Membership Access Details

Security Notice
Protect your investment in this course.

You may not copy or share this content. Only the purchaser may access this content. If you need additional access for others please contact us to discuss options.

To ensure the long term viability of these methods we have applied advanced security and detection measures to protect this material.
Specific personal identifying information is embedded within the content, such as random flahes in the videos. Other security protections are in place as well to track IP address and usage.

Keep your login and password secure. User is financially responsible for any copyright infringements. Access will be revoked with no refunds.

Make sure to sign up for workshops and attend! [Under the Workshop tab on this dashboard]

These workshops are a crucial part of the education process for this material. I am personally investing my time in you to help you learn and apply this during this 3 month period.

The workshops are designed to help clarify and reinforce the lessons taught in the course. But workshop access is limited to members.

Ask your questions using our question form.

You can ask a Private Question if you don't want others to see it, such as when you have personal information involved.

Or ask a Public question if you don't mind for all users to see it. The public questions will help us gather consensus on the most important aspects that need attention. If you have a question, then chances are someone else does as well.

We want you to be successful and hit your goals. 
Please Ask Questions
We want to make sure you completely understand the course material. As you apply it you will probably have many questions.

Please ask us!

We will address questions in the workshops or privately with you.

Please ensure that you use these forms to ask questions about the material during your valid membership, so that you can attend workshops for answers.

In the Dashboard there is a button to show the Question forms. We offer a Private Question and a Public Question option.
Login / Logout
The system limits access to one IP address at a time. Please logout if you have trouble getting access.

Also the login attempts are limited with a lockout timer to prevent hacking

How to Become a Net Winning Trader Course: Main Videos
Please watch these in order the first time. Then re-watch them again, multiple times. As you begin to apply them, you will discover key nuances and insights over time as you master the material for your own trading.

Live Workshops

Sign up for the live workshops here:
Live Workshops
Make sure to attend.

You can send in questions ahead of time on the question form and we may answer on the webinar.
We will have a live workshop once a week on a Saturday.

Also, sometimes we add extra workshops. Let us know if the regular timing doesn't work for you.

Recent Workshop Replays:

Recorded Workshops
Trading Log & Journal Tool
Good records are the key to success and improving performance.

You can use our trading log and journal tool to help your record keeping.

NOTE: Please ensure you backup your data. We are not responsible for errors, miscalculations,  or loss of any data associated with any submissions to our site. You agree to hold us harmless for any data loss, errors, or data breach.

Any data submitted will be stored in a database that could be seen by adminstrators, IT contractors or instructors. So be mindful the kind of information you enter here.

We do hope you find it a helpful tool to enhance your trading experience and potential.

Use the buttons below to go to the Trade Entry page or review existing trades on the Trade Records
How to use this... *coming soon*
Trader  Resources
Downloads Page
Get checklists and logs to assist your documentation
Workshop Documents Page
Supplemental written training from workshops
Workshop Documents
*** More content coming soon...
Manage Your Account
Restricted to Graduate Level Members
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Question Page
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Frequently Asked Questions
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This content is restricted to paid members of the program.
Please join us to get access to the content here: Get the Program

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